The main station is a state-of-the-art facility located at 101 Sibley Avenue in the Ardmore Section of Lower Merion Township. The crew quarters include (2) bunk rooms that sleeps (6) members, recreation room with a big screen TV, VCR, & DVD players. A fully modern kitchen, training/meeting room accommodating up to 75 people with Video conferencing and remote training access, work-out facility with numerous workout machines, pool table and a quiet study room. Each volunteer and employee have Office 365 accounts and Fios High Speed wired and wireless internet access. This station is housed with (5) Advanced Life Support Ambulances, (2) Medic/Command Units and (1) Re-Hab Unit.
101 Sibley Avenue
Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003
Business Office Telephone: (610) 645–7770
Crew Telephone: (610) 645–9601
Fax: (610) 645–7957

The A station is located at 500 East Hector Street in Conshohocken Borough. This station is capable of sleeping (4) members in (2) bunk rooms. The crew quarters and workspace are configured for maximum efficiency. The station is housed with (1) Advanced Life Support Unit each day that has the primary response area of Conshohocken, West Conshohocken and the Western parts of Lower Merion Township.
500 East Hector Street
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428
Business Office Telephone: (610) 825-6672
Crew Telephone: (610) 825-6125
Fax: (610) 645–7957

The "B" station is located at 800 Ardmore Ave, Ardmore, PA 19003 on the campus of Haverford College in Haverford Township. This station is capable of sleeping (2) members in (2) bunk rooms. The crew quarters and workspace are configured for maximum efficiency. The station is housed with (1) Advanced Life Support Unit each day that has the primary response area of Haverford Township and with Mutual Aid responsibilities the Southern parts of Lower Merion Township and northern parts of Delaware County.
800 Ardmore Ave
Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003
Business Office Telephone: (610) 645-9601
Crew Telephone: (610) 645-9601
Fax: (610) 645–7957

The "C" station is at 2325 Darby Road, Havertown, PA 19083 (rear Building) in Haverford Township. This station can sleep (2) members in (2) bunk rooms. The crew quarters and workspace are spacious, with areas for study and training. The station is housed with (1) Advanced Life Support Unit each day that has the primary response area of Haverford Township and with Mutual Aid responsibilities to northern parts of Delaware County.
The Quatrani Building
2325 Darby Road
Havertown, PA 19083
Business Office Telephone: (610) 645-9601
Crew Telephone: (610) 645-9601
Fax: (610) 645–7957